Once upon a time...
In the '90s, more precisely in 1994, my mother Maria Helena discovered her talent for transforming simple clothes into beautiful dresses for children. Her dresses were true works of art, crafted with great care, and they charmed everyone who saw them.
My mother not only made dresses and other children's clothing for individual clients but also supplied shops in the shopping center of our city. The most exciting part was that my sister and I served as her "mannequins," modeling in the city center whenever there was a new collection. Sadly, her sewing atelier had to close its doors four years later due to relocation.
You might be wondering, what does my mother's sewing atelier have to do with Billy&Bugga handcrafted chocolates?
When the sewing atelier first opened, we chose the name Billy&Bugga as a tribute to my sister and me, as these were our childhood nicknames.
I, Bugga, have always had an interest in chocolates. I remember as a child, I would sit on top of the table and help my mother make brigadeiros and package them for our parties.
As the years went by, I developed a passion and talent for making chocolates.
Today, the name Billy&Bugga represents my childhood, filled with pretty dresses and brigadeiros. It represents the person I have become, and it symbolizes my daughters, who live in a world brimming with ribbons, dresses, and, of course, lots of chocolate.